There are multiple ways to use this guide. The resources are listed alphabetically. Use the Index on the left to jump to a particular microform.Clicking on the call number will open a link to the full catalog record in UMD's online catalog. Clicking on the 'Full Description' will expand the text for an overview of that collection. Print and online indexes and finding aids, as well as digitized versions of the collections, are listed under other sources when available. (Some of these are outside links not maintained by the University. To report broken links, please click on the 'comment' link at the top of the page or contact the author of the Guide.)
Location & Call Number: McK Microfiche LA1311.82.A2E38 1990 (461 Microfiche)
The collection reproduces English-language materials documenting the educational plans, programs and policies of the American authorities who administered the Occupation of Japan in the name of the Allied Powers, as they "sought to purge Japanese education of the militarism and nationalism of the prewar years and to build an educational system that promoted democratic ideals and principals." The materials have been collected from depositories and archives throughout the United States.
The collection is divided into 3 parts:
The index contains the Introduction, describing the historical background of educational reform in occupied Japan, and the Review of Collection Contents, a more detailed description of the content and significance of each group of documents. Following this is the Bibliography of Documents along with an index by subjects and names, and an index by document numbers.
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Location Code & Call Number: MCK-PER M-FICHE JQ1615 1989.F73 (428 Microfiche)
See Index
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Location & Call Number: McK Microfilm DS 889.16.S961 1989 (13 Reels)
This collection reporduces the historical monographs compiled by the Supreme Command Allied Powers (SCAP). The 55 monographs written from 1945 to 1951 provide descriptions of monmilitary subjuects such as: population, local governmental reform, education, religion, foreign trade, and police and public safety. The introductory monograph provides an overall picture of the occupation of Japan.
The monographs are numbered 1 thru 55. Reel location in indicated in Guide and on microfilm boxes. A list of monographs with the assigned number and subject may also be found on the first reel.
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Location & Call number: McK Microfilm DS889.15 .H8 (12 Reels)
The Hussey Papers document the activity of the Government Section of the Supreme Commander, Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan. Included in the collection are correspondence, documents on SCAP personnel, organization charts, the daily gazette, and SCAP studies and directives for the reorganization of the Japanese Government. The material in both English and Japanese concerns conditions in Japan and Japanese reaction to the Allied Occupation.
Access to The Hussey Papers is provided by the checklist which is reproduced on Reel 1 of the Papers. The checklist is a detailed listing by file and entry numbers of all the documents contained in the Papers.
Reels 4 and 5 are lacking some documents which are listed in the checklist.
Two files, 23-A and 26-A, are missing from the collection.
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Call Number: Microfilm BIN9R (37 Reels)
The Tribunal was established by General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, to try alleged war criminals who were being charged with having waged wars of aggression in violation of international law, treaties, agreements or assurances.
The typescript pages from the Tokyo war crimes trial were filmed consecutively (49,858 pages).
There is no index to the film.
For pretrial information use International Military Tribunal for the Far East (JX 6719 .J315) which covers highlights of the events from the time when the defendants were taken into custody, through the preliminary proceedings, until June 13, 1946, the date of the beginning of the trial. The International Tribunal for the Far East (East Asia D 804 .J32A6 1968) presents the Japanese record of the proceedings.
Location & Call Number: McK Microfilm D767.2.U55 (16 Reels)
These reports were written during World War II and the early years of the Cold War. They had a considerable influence on Allied wartime strategy and on American postwar foreign policy. The collection includes studies of the government, industry and the military in wartime Japan.
The reports were filmed by country and then in chronological order. The index contains a reel guide which lists each time by title and indicates date and pagination. In addition, it provides a subject spproach to the materials.
Some of the topics covered in this collection are martial law, price controls, civil defense procedures, food rationing, weapons production and psychological warfare.
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Call Number: Microfiche D802.J3022 1942 (2170 Fiche)
This collection reproduces English language archival source materials covering the entire occupation period of Japan by the U.S. during WWII. The documents start with wartime preparations and go through negotiation of the 1951 peace treaty. The documents are from the National Archives, Presidential Libraries, and collections of private papers. The types of material included are official military, intelligence, diplomatic and foreign policy publications, diaries, interviews, and minutes of meetings. There are three parts to this collection:
Part 1. U.S. Planning Documents focuses on wartime preparation for the occupation and covers the time period from the U.S. entry into the war until Japan's surrender. The materials cover the formulation of major governmental units and informal proposals from individuals influencing policy making.
Part 2. U.S. and Allied Policy covers the postwar formulation of occupation policies. Included is information on democratic reforms, U.S. policies regarding demilitarization implemented during the early phase of the occupation, and policies regarding economic regeneration and remilitarization.
Part 3. Reform, Recovery and Peace includes the documents detailing the actual process by which Washington and the General Headquarters of Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers carried out the Occupation of Japan.
The documents are arranged in chronological order within the specific topic.
The indexes provide title, date, and collation information for each document. Entries also include special annotations on format or contents of a document or document series, list of subject headings, names of organizations, and name of issuing source under which the document is indexed. There is an index by subject and name as well as an index by document and meeting numbers.
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Location & Call Number: McK Microfilm DS518.1.U5 (6 Reels)
These reports, written during World War II and the early years of the Cold War, had a profound influence on Allied wartime strategy and on American postwar foreign policy. They emphasize parliamentary and constitutional reforms, civil liberties, the labor supply, reparations, political purges and industrial reconstruction in occupied Japan.
The reports were filmed by country and are generally arranged chronologically within geographical divisions. The index contains a reel guide which lists each item by title and indicates date and pagination. It also provides a subject approach to the materials.
The collection also includes many reports on the postwar status of Korea, Indochina, Burma, the Philipines and the East Indies. Among the topics covered: diet, the economy, land reform, politics and labor strikes.
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:
Location Code & Call Number: M-FICHE D767.2.W37 1988 (2,850 Microfiche)
See Indexes
The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection: