・Cultural Japan - Cultural Japan collects information related to Japanese culture published in museums and libraries around the world. [Full-image]
・East Asia Image Collection at Lafayette College - This digital archive contains photographs, negatives, postcards, rare books and slides that documented the history of imperial Japan (1868-1945), its Asian empire (1895-1945) and occupied Japan (1947-52). Images of Taiwan 台湾, Japan 日本, China 中国, Korea 朝鮮, Manchuria 満洲国, and Indonesia are included. [Full-image]
・International Research Center for Japanese Studies [Nichibunken] databases - Nichibunken offers several databases in various subjects. Some of them offers full-text access while the others are for index only. [Full-text and Index]
・Japan Disasters Digital Archive - Japan Disasters Digital Archive (JDA) is an advanced search engine for archived materials from all over the web, individuals’ testimonials, tweets, prominently including content from international partners who are building digital repositories about the disasters. [Full-text and Index]
・Japanese Woodblock Print Search (Ukiyo-e Search) - You can search for Japanese woodblock prints by taking a picture of an existing print across multiple collections. [Full-image]
・Japan Search - You can cross-search multiple digital archives, digital collections, and catalogs.
・National Diet Library Digital Collections - The NDL Digital Collections enables a user to search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan. Many out-of-copyright books are full-text available. [Full-text and Index]
・Wilson Center Digital Archive - This digital archive contains several historical documents related to Asia. Examples are: “LOCAL NATIONALISM" IN XINJIANG, 1957-1958," "1988 SEOUL OLYMPIC GAMES," "CHINA AND AFRICA," and "JAPANESE NUCLEAR HISTORY." [Full-image]
・Gaihozu Digital Archives - This is a digital collection of former Japanese military maps of the Asia-Pacific region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. [Full-image]