・20th Century Media Information Database - The 20th Century Media Information Database is an article-level index to the magazines and a portion of the newspapers in the Gordon W. Prange Collection. The publications date from the early years of the Allied Occupation of Japan, 1945-1949. [Index only]
・CiNii Articles - This database enables you to search information on academic articles published in academic society journal, suniveristy research bulletins or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database. [Full-text and Index]
・IRDB (Institutional Repositories DataBase) - This database allows you to search Japanese institutional depositories, for departmental bulletin, thesis, dissertations, and conference papers. [Full-text and Index]
・J-STAGE - It is an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan, developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). J-Stage offers index as well as full-text access to many journal articles, conference, proceedings and other publications. [Full-text and Index]
・Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei Detabesu (Zassaku Plus) - Compiled by the publisher Koseisha, this database indexes Japanese periodical articles for the period of 1868 to the present. It also includes locally published journals from 1948 to the present not indexed by the National Diet Library of Japan. The contents of the Koseisha database are regularly updated. [Index only]
・Magazine Plus - Most comprehensive online index to Japanese articles, includes "Zasshi Kiji Sakuin (1948- )," annual reports of academic institutions and research associations, festschriften, collections of scholarly papers, general magazines, business magazines, popular magazines, etc. from over 20,000 journals. [Index only]
・Academic Search Ultimate - Multi-disciplinary and one of the biggest databases subscribed at UMD. It provides peer-reviewed full-text journal articles as well as magazines, newspapers, and books. [Full-text]
・Asia-Studies - Asia-Studies.com brings together thousands of full-text reports covering 53 countries on a multitude of business, government, economic, and social issues. [Full-text]
・Asia-Studies Humanities - Section of the Asia-Studies Full-text Online database that focuses on the traditional Humanities aspects of Asian Studies: Arts, Culture, History, Language, Literature, Philosophy, Religion. Includes peer reviewed journals, peer reviewed e-journals, scholarly institutional publishers, working papers. [Full-text]
・Bibliography of Asian Studies - References Western-language books, journal articles, and conference proceedings, including citations to all articles from the 100 most-used journals in Asian Studies. [Full-text and Index]
・Historical Abstracts with Full-Text - Core international history database now includes unique full-text coverage of nearly 200 journals and 100 books. It also provides indexing for over 1700 journals from 1964 to the present. [Full-text and Index]
・JSTOR - Electronic archive of core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Includes complete runs of journals with full-text of all articles published from volume 1, issue 1. Most journals have a “moving wall” (time lag) of three to five years between the most current issue published and content available on JSTOR. [Full-text]
・MLA International Bibliography with Full Text - Indexes journals, books, essay collections, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies published worldwide in the areas of literary criticism, language, linguistics, rhetoric, and folklore of all countries. Covers over 1,000 journals.
・Project Muse - Full text of recent issues of over 240 journals from 40 scholarly publishers. Covers the fields of literary studies, history, the visual & performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many other arts and humanities and social science disciplines. The majority of the journals coverage is from 1997 to the present. [Full-text]