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Public Policy

Guide to public policy research

PLCY 100 - Littlefield - Fall 2024

Searching is trial and error! Be prepared to revise your search. Keep track of what you do.


There are many other addiitonal Ebsco databases you can use. Once in Academic Search Ultimate - click on - choose databases- and add other databases to the search.

Education = Education Complete
Health = Medline
Criminal Justice = Criminal Justice Abstracts
Money = Business Source Complete and Regional Business News

See the Page:
Searching Multiple Databases

Get to News:
1. Landing page - change All Content Types to News
2. Top Bar - click on News


There are several ways to formulate your search. Keep in mind though that because this is a full text database, using - and - to connect your concepts will, in most cases, result in a large number of items and many will not be relevant.

Best to try and bring the word/s closer together.

Bring the words closer together:
/s = same sentence 
"atlantic salmon" /s (gmo* or "genetically modified organisim*")

/p = same paragraph
 "atlantic salmon" /p (gmo* or "genetically modified organisim*")

hlead(...) - limit to headline and lead paragraphs (you can use -and- here since you are limiting where the words appear
      hlead("atlantic salmon" and  (gmo* or "genetically modified organisim*"))

Filters on the left:
search within
publication type - then sources




The landing page  defaults to the Basic Search - click on Advanced Search for improved search results.

Similar to Nexis Uni, because this is a full text database, using - and - to connect your concepts will, in most cases, result in a large number of items and many will not be relevant.

Best to try and bring the word/s closer together and/or change the search field.

To bring the words closer together use N/#
"renewable energy" N/5 subsid*

You can use -and - but, if you retrieve too many results, tye changing the search field from Anywhere to:
Anywhere except full text - NOFT
Abstract AB

National Newspapers Core search renewable energy

Google Searching Tips:
The top tip:

Limit search to particular types of documents by using
One of the questions to answer on your Policy Memo Worksheet #1 is
Who is working on this locally? List options of people or organizations you could talk to to help you understand this issue better.
Using site: will help you develop a list of people and organizations.

site:gov = documents produced/authored by the government at all levels (federal,state,local) and government-sponsored research

site:edu = documents produced/ authored/ sponsored by educational entities

site:org = organizations / associations / think tanks

"cell phones" school* maryland site:gov
"wind farm*" maryland site:gov
"wind farm*" maryland site:org
prison privatization site:gov
prison privatization site:org


Place quotes around a phrase
Using quotation marks means the whole phrase will be searched not the individual words

Use the * for truncation
When you put an asterisk at the end of a search term it searches for words with any possible ending.


Limit date