The Publications screen (below) is for managing a wide variety of research and scholarly publications.
The Import Publications feature can be used to import citations directly from a number of publication databases, as well as through an uploaded BibTeX file generated from other citation managers such as Zotero or Mendeley.
Citation Managers are typically used to manage resources that you find while doing research, in anticipation of then citing those references while writing. They can also be used to create personal publication libraries, which can then be exported as BibTeX files to import into Faculty Success.
There is no single foolproof import method to recommend for faculty across the campus. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, depending on your area of research interest and publication activity.
The Import from a Third Party approach, on the right side of the Import Publications screen has the following pros and cons:
Pros: Data is pulled directly from the selected publication database or researcher profile into Faculty Success
Cons: Each of the integrated publication databases cover different disciplines in varying degrees. For example, PubMed will include a high percentage of public health publications, but very little in social sciences or humanities. None of these resources will work equally well for all faculty members.
The available third-party import options are:
To import your publications using Publons, select the "Web of Science" service in the select a service dropdown. Select "ResearcherID" in the search criteria dropdown; and enter your researcher ID in the text box next to it. This will import your Publons publications.
The Import from a BibTeX file approach, on the left side of the Import Publications screen has the following pros and cons:
For the BibTeX upload, Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley reference managers can be used to curate personal citations and generate a BibTeX file for uploading. See the "Exporting BibTeX Files" section of this guide to explore all platforms that will export usable BibTeX files.
While these import options greatly ease the burden of entering publication activity, additional manual effort will likely still be needed:
After your initial publication import, you may want to enter your publications manually as you complete or publish them. You can do this using the "Add New Item" button on the Publications summary screen. You can also use this option from the beginning if you do not want to use any of the Import options.
This may greatly increase the amount of time you need to spend entering the bulk of your publications, but it will give you complete control over which information is captured in Faculty Success for each one of your publications. You will notice that the data entry screen does not show any required fields. This means that you may enter as much or as little information for each publication as you choose, as long as you include at least one date.
Keep in mind: how you enter your activities is how they will appear on reports, so if you leave out pertinent information--for example, if you do not select a publication type, or you leave out the title--your publications may not be arranged properly or appear as you expect them to in your annual report.
All publications that have been added through the Import Publication feature need to be curated to ensure that the citation information is accurate. Without this oversight, it is likely that these publications will not appear as you expect them to in your annual report. Each publication needs to be checked to make sure that its citation is correctly coded.
Key areas to check are:
The latter two citation elements are not imported through the Import Publication feature in Faculty Success and must always be set manually.
If other errors are identified with the publications, it may be worthwhile to update them in the source citation manager, after the corrections have been made in Faculty Success. Note that any changes to correct errors with the citation made within Digital Measures will not automatically be reflected in the source citation manager.
At the bottom of each publication record data screen in Faculty Success, the original source is identified. Use this information to edit the citation in the source citation manager.
Supported Publication Types with ORCID
The details below were drawn from
Work type |
Use |
book |
Books written by a single author or collaboratively based on research or scholarly findings generally derived from peer reviewed funding. |
book-chapter |
Texts written by a single author or collaboratively based on research or scholarly findings and expertise in a field. |
book-review |
Critical review of works of fiction or nonfiction highlighting the contributions to an art, field or discipline. |
dictionary-entry |
Entries of new words, new meanings of existing words, changes in spelling and hyphenation over a longer period of time, and grammatical changes. |
dissertation |
Treatise advancing an original point of view resulting from research: a requirement for a doctoral degree. |
encyclopedia-entry |
Authored entries in a reference work or a compendium focusing on a particular domain or on all branches of knowledge. |
edited-book |
Books edited by a single author or collaboratively for the dissemination of research or scholarly findings that generally result from peer reviewed funding. |
journal-article |
Articles in peer-reviewed publications that disseminate the results of original research and scholarship. |
journal-issue |
Periodical publications aimed at fostering intellectual debate and inquiry. |
magazine article |
Articles in thematic publications published at fixed intervals. |
manual |
Course and assignment materials produced for teaching purposes. |
online-resource |
Information accessible only on the web via traditional technical methods |
newsletter-article |
Articles in publications aimed at researchers, decision-makers, professionals and the public that report on a research project or on the activities of a research chair or a research center. |
newspaper-article |
Articles in a daily, weekly or monthly publication reporting on news and social issues aimed at the public. |
report |
Reports disseminating the outcomes and deliverables of a research contract. |
research-tool |
Series of observations, measurements or facts identified from the research. |
supervised-student-publication |
Articles on research findings published jointly with or supervised by the thesis adviser. |
test |
Assessments that include tests designed for general university selection, selection into specific courses or other evaluation purposes. |
translation |
Translations of books and articles that identify modifications to the original edition, such as a new or revised preface. |
website |
Stand-alone locations on the web where multiple types of information on a specific theme are available. |
working-paper |
Preliminary versions of articles that have not undergone review but that may be shared for comment. |
Work type |
Use |
conference-abstract |
Texts of a specified length that states the issue to be discussed in a proposed conference paper. |
conference-paper |
Papers written alone or collaboratively, presented at an academic conference, and published in the proceedings (not in scholarly journals). |
conference-poster |
Posters displayed in a conference setting and conveying research highlights in an efficient manner by compelling graphics. |
Work type |
Use |
disclosure |
Publications that establish inventions as prior art thereby preventing others from patenting the same invention or concept. |
license |
Signed agreements to exploit a piece of IP such as a process, product, data, or software. |
patent |
A form of IP protection that defines the exclusive right by law for inventors and assignees to make use of and exploit their inventions, products or processes, for a limited period of time. |
registered-copyright |
Registered ownership of rights under a system of laws for promoting both the creation of and access to artistic, literary, musical, dramatic and other creative works. |
trademark |
Marks such as a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image of a product or service that indicates the source and provides the right to control the use of the identifier. |
Work type |
Use |
artistic-performance |
Collection of information records that, in combination, represent a full and up-to-date history of artistic or performance outputs resulting from, or related to, the person's research or scholarly activities. |
data-set |
A series of structured observations, measurements or facts identified from the research which can be stored in a database medium. |
invention |
Practical and original outputs arising from research. |
lecture-speech |
An informative talk related to research delivered to an audience. |
research-technique |
A practical methods or skills applied to particular tasks identified as part of the research. |
software |
A program used to operate a computer or other technical device. |
spin-off-company |
A company set up by a Research Organization to make commercial use of the results and findings of the Research project. |
standards-and-policy |
The development of a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgement. |
technical-standard |
Technical Standards (industrial or otherwise) that have originated from the research projects in which new protocols, methods or materials may be developed. |
other |
Any other type of work. |
The details below were drawn from
An article from a journal or magazine. Required fields: author, title, journal, year. Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note. |
A book with an explicit publisher. Required fields: author or editor, title, publisher, year. Optional fields: volume or number, series, address, edition, month, note. |
A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. Required: title. Optional: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note. |
A part of a book, e.g., a chapter, section, or whatever and/or a range of pages. Required fields: author or editor, title, chapter and/or pages, publisher, year. Optional fields: volume or number, series, type, address, edition, month, note. |
A part of a book having its own title. Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year. Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note. |
An article in a conference proceedings. Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year. Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note. |
Technical documentation. Required field: title. Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note. |
A master's thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year. Optional fields: type, address, month, note. |
Use this type when nothing else fits. A warning will be issued if all optional fields are empty (i.e., the entire entry is empty or has only ignored fields). Required fields: none. Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note. |
A Ph.D. thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year. Optional fields: type, address, month, note. |
Conference proceedings. Required fields: title, year. Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, address, publisher, note, month, organization. |
A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series. Required fields: author, title, institution, year. Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note. |
A document having an author and title, but not formally published. Required fields: author, title, note. Optional fields: month, year. |