These recommendations are specific to curating your own research output using Mendeley. For more general usage guidance, visit the Mendeley Section of our Citation Management Tools Guide or consult Mendeley's documentation.
Decide how you will organize your research output. You may use the "My Publications" collection, or perhaps create a collection named "My Research" or similar with sub-collections named "Conference Presentations," "Journal Articles," etc.
Depending on how many resources you need to add and how those are best accessed, try one of the following methods to get the publications into your library. Many other options are detailed on the Mendeley website.
- Google the title of your publication to find the official journal/publication page, then import to the appropriate folder using the Mendeley Importer extension.
- Enter publication's DOI, ArXiv ID, or PMID searches into the Mendeley "Add Entry Manually" option.
- Add a PDF of a publication by dragging and dropping or navigating to the file. In most cases, Mendeley will automatically find the accompanying citation data, including DOI.
- If you have been using Mendeley and have cited any of your own work, you can drag those files into your research folder to make a copy.
Once you have a complete list of publications in your collection in Mendeley, it would be best to review all the content before exporting. That reduces the time you spend manually curating resources in Faculty Success.
Faculty Success best handles the following formats using an import from BibTeX, so we recommend focusing on these types of publications when curating your personal library in Mendeley:
- Journal/magazine articles
- Books
- Book sections/chapters
- Conference proceedings
- Technical reports
- Unpublished
- Generic*
*Generic will appear as Other in Faculty Success
You can also create a "Watch" folder on your computer and Mendeley Desktop will check the folder periodically for new publications to automatically import into your Mendeley account. For more information on how to set this feature up, you may consult Mendeley's instructions.