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Faculty Success: Creating and Curating a Scholarly Profile

This guide is designed for those who would like to create a ResearcherID or Google Scholar profile, especially those who need to track scholarly output in preparation for Faculty Success.

Researcher ID (Web of Science)

Researcher ID (Web of Science) BannerBy using the ResearcherID feature in Web of Science, researchers are assigned an individual ID number that stays with them, regardless of institutional affiliation, thus allowing their research to be more easily tracked.

Once your ResearcherID is created, your publications listed in the Web of Science database can be added to your profile - thus ensuring accuracy in tracking your publication history and making it faster to track how your work is cited. 

Publications can be added to ResearcherID from Web of Knowledge by selecting the “I Wrote These Publications” button.

NOTE: ResearcherID accounts have been upgraded to Publons profiles. Your ResearcherID identifier, publication lists and all other existing data have been retained and are available on your Publons profile.  

All existing links to your old ResearcherID account will be redirected to your new Publons profile, including from any ResearcherID badges you have created. 

If you have additional questions, you'll find all the details here.

Check out this document for a full overview of Publons

Research ID Text Resources

Video Tutorials