JPRS documents continued to be translated in the geographical areas mentioned previously, with additional regions being added and removed throughout publication.
In 1975, the Bell and Howell Information Company acquired publication rights for JPRS documents. Documents were then issued on microfiche and in print. The collection is arranged differently by four periods of publication:
Gov Docs Computer Room, 4th Floor, McKeldin Library
Microfiche are issued by Bell and Howell Information Company. Though
microfiche begin having SuDoc call numbers in 1981, the microfiche are
still organized by JPRS number during this time period and are filed
after PREX 7.26: in microfiche cabinets 19 and 20. *Example: Transdex
Gov Docs Computer Room, 4th Floor, McKeldin Library
still issued and indexed by Bell and Howell, this range of microfiche
is organized by SuDoc call number. Different geographical regions and
subjects were given a different call number, and are ordered as such.
On each sheet of microfiche is the following information:
In this example, the call number PREX 7.20/2 is the equivalent of the JPRS series code SSA (Sub-Saharan Africa). The remaining numbers are the year (1986) and the document issue number (036). The microfiche are placed in order by their SuDoc numbers, which is the second number listed on each microfiche sheet.
Gov Docs Computer Room, 4th Floor, McKeldin Library
1989, the Superintendent of Documents discontinued the use of a
classification system for JPRS publication. They began filing all
documents under the call number PREX 7.13:x. Some microfiche during
these years have the same SuDoc call numbers and series codes as listed
before. However, in later years, the SuDoc number begins to incorporate
the entire series code into the call number. *Example: PREX
Gov Docs Computer Room, 4th Floor, McKeldin Library
print collection contains much of the same material created for the
microfiche. Though its microfiche counterpart is separated by call
number (PREX 7.14:x thru PREX 7.23:x), the print collection is under
PREX 7.13:x. As in the microfiche collection, the 'x' in the call
number is the same series code, which consists of the JPRS regional
code, the year of publication, and the issue number for the year.
*Example: PREX 7.13:JPRS-CRF-87-012
Note: there are large sections missing from the print collection. An inventory of the issues available in print is located in a binder at the Gov Docs Information Desk.
There is a single index (published in both in print and microfiche) for this area of the collection:
This index is available in
microfiche from 1975 – 1996. The microfiche format of the index
cumulates annually The microfiche are located in the Gov Docs Computer
Lab on the 4th floor of McKeldin Library in cabinet 35.
There is a print version of the index available from 1988 – 1996. However, it is published monthly and has no year-end cumulative edition. For the annual cumulative index, refer to the microfiche format of the Transdex Index. In July 1995, the print version of this index retains the name Transdex Index, but the subtitle indicates it as an index to FBIS publications. Despite the title, this index covers JPRS documents until June 1996.
This index is divided into five sections:
Until 1981, JPRS documents were created with a JPRS number, as described earlier. At this time, the Superintendent of Documents began classifying documents and giving them SuDoc call numbers. Accordingly, in 1982, the Transdex Index began publishing a Cross Reference Index. This index gives the JPRS title (identical to the titles in the Serials and Ad Hoc Listing), and the corresponding SuDoc call number.
NOTE: While JPRS documents began having SuDoc call numbers in 1981, our collection has them filed by JPRS number through December 1983. After that date, all documents are filed by their given SuDoc call number.
When locating JPRS in microfiche from the Transdex Index:
1975 – 1983 | Microfiche are shelved in JPRS number or series code order. Use the JPRS number and page number given in each index to locate a given document. |
1984 – 1989 | The microfiche are shelved under the call numbers PREX 7.14:x through PREX 7.23:x, where 'x' is the JPRS series code. Use the Cross Reference Index after locating a document in any other index. Once a title is located in another index, note both the JPRS series code and page number. Using the JPRS series code, refer to the Serials and Ad Hoc Listing to obtain the correct title. Use the title in the Cross Reference Index to find the correct SuDoc call number. |
1989 – 1996 | All documents are shelved under the SuDoc call number PREX 7.13:x, where 'x' is the JPRS series code. |
When locating JPRS in print from the Transdex Index:
The only necessary information is the JPRS series code and page
number. All documents are shelved under the SuDoc call number PREX
7.13:x, where 'x' is the JPRS series code.