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Databases and Guides Standards and Processes

This guide provides UMD librarians with the agreed upon standards and processes for LibGuides.

Step 1: Setting Up LibCal

Please see Set Up before starting. After, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Go to LibCal ( and log-in.
  2. Click on Appointments in the yellow toolbar across the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Availability button.
  4. Enter your desired range of office hours into the Start Time and End Time fields.
    • End Time signals the latest time you will allow appointments to run until, not the start time of your last appointment. LibCal will not create an appointment timeslot for any appointment that would run past your designated “end time.”
  5. In the Repeated Pattern option: 
    • Select Single Date if you want to set up the availability specifically for a single date. 
    • Select Daily/Weekly/Monthly as the pattern of how you want the availability pattern to repeat.
      • For example, Select Weekly
      • Select the days of the week during which you are available for appointments.
      • Select the weekly frequency of repetition. 1 = every week; 2 = every other week, etc. 
      • Enter a date range (for example, a range covering the current date to the end of the semester) into the Start Date and End Date fields.  You can set this for up to 6 months after the current date. 
      • Enter location information or virtual information in the Directions text box.
      • Click Add Availability

Step 2: Syncing Google Calendar

  1. To sync your scheduler with Google Calendar, you must first give our Google Service Account access to your calendar in Google.
  2. Go to your calendar page within Google (
  3. Locate the calendar that you want to sync with LibCal under My calendars in the left sidebar.
  4. Hover over the name of the calendar and and click the three dots that appear to the left of the name of the calendar.
  5. Select the Setting and sharing option.
  6. Under Share with specific people, select ADD PEOPLE.
  7. Enter in the box that says Add email or name
  8. Under Permissions click the dropdown box and select Make changes to events, then click the SEND button.
    • A pop-up window might appear asking you if you are sure you want to give the service account access to your calendar. If so, click OK.

Step 3: Integrating Google Calendar into LibCal

  1. To finish the set-up process, go back to Appointments within LibCal and click on the Integration tab.
  2. Locate the Google Service Account section. 
  3. Enter into the Email Address field.
  4. Enter the email address associated with your calendar into the Google Calendar ID field.
  5. If this is your work calendar, then the associated email address will be your UMD email. 
    • If you are unsure which email address is associated with your work calendar, go to Google Calendar and select Settings and sharing from the dropdown box that appears when you hover over the calendar name in the left sidebar.
    • On the left side bar, under Settings for my calendar, click your name. You will find the calendar ID located in the Integrate calendar section of this page.
  6. Download this P12 file. 
    • Clicking this hyperlink will open a file that states No Preview Available with a blue button that says Download
  7. Click download
  8. Upload this P12 file in the P12 Key file field in LibCal
    • Note: All downloaded files can be found in This PC > Downloads or under Quick Links
  9. Check the box under Check Free/Busy times
  10. Click Save
  11. Click Test and Verify your Connection. This button may take a few minutes to appear.
  12. LibCal should now sync your meetings between Google Calendar and LibCal.
    • Busy times in Google Calendar will be blocked off in your LibCal Appointments as unavailable
    • Appointments booked through LibCal Appointments will be automatically added to your Google Calendar
    • Check the mini-calendar on the My Appointments page in LibCal to confirm (busy times on your Google Calendar will show up as yellow timeslots here).