[See process below for updating staff directory]
Updating Springshare Specialist Profile
Use the same parameters for the headshot/photo and bio as for the Staff Directory.
To update your bio:
LibApps -> My Profile -> Profile Box
If anyone struggles with updating their own profiles, they can send it to Yelena and she’ll send it to the council to change]
Send corrections to Yelena
In LibCal, go to "Appointments".
Click "Widget/Embed Code".
Copy the entire text of the code (highlighted in the box below).
Now go to LibApps, click "My Profile".
Click "Profile Box".
Click "Widget".
Paste code into the "LibCal Widget Code" box. You will need to click on the Empty text in order to open the text box. (DO NOT paste into the "LibAnswers Widget Code" section! Be sure to put code ONLY in the LIBCAL WIDGET CODE).
Within the code, change "background" from "#FFFFFF" to "#F0163A" and change "color" from "#333333" to "#FFFFFF".