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AASP 297: Research Methods in African American Studies

This online course tutorial will assist researchers in designing effective research methods for the purpose of locating African American resources.

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ICPSR Resources

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is the world's largest archive of digital social science data. ICPSR provides data and resources to a community of hundreds of institutions around the world including students, scholars, policy analysts, policymakers, government officials, and the media. You can search their data holdings by keyword, browse by thematic categories, and search by individual variables. ICPSR holds over 15,000 studies including over 5 million variables. Types of data include administrative data, surveys, video data, social media data, and more. Data searches can be filtered by topic, geographic location, subject terms/tags, funding agency, time period and more.

Click here to access ICPSR though the UMD Libraries 

Thematic data collections include:

Some of the data resources you will find at ICPSR include:

All data found at ICPSR include a copy and paste version of the data citation for your papers or projects.


There are a number of contact people here at UMD that can help you with your ICPSR questions:

  • If you need help applying ICPSR research to your work, please contact a research librarian for assistance, click here for the directory of research librarians.
  • If you need technical assistance with the data or if you are having access problems, please contact David Durden Data Services Librarian 
  • David Durden is also available for consulatations regarding data storage and management.
  • If you need assistance with data analysis and use, please contact, Yishan Ding Statistical Consulting GA
  • If you need general assistance with ICPSR, you are welcome to email the team directly, but please also CC your librarian on the message so we are aware of the problem and can assist you locally as well

Do you produce your own data? By depositing your data at ICPSR, you can get usage reports about how often your data are being used, at what institutions, and links to publications using your data. Depositing data at ICPSR is always free.