The Maryland Register is the temporary supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations, printing all changes in regulations as soon as they occur. This bi-weekly publication, which started in 1974, is also the official source of information about many other activities within State government. The Maryland Register is issued every other Friday.
There are separate sections for each kind of source of information published in the Maryland Register:
Use the Maryland Register to find:
The Maryland Contract Weekly began as a supplement of the Maryland Register in 1978. It was a separate publication from 1992 to July 2006. It ceased publication on July 5, 2006. Current state contract information is at eMaryland Marketplace
The Maryland Register is abbreviated Md.R. and is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date.
EXAMPLE: 34:12 Md.R. 1075 (June 8, 2007) refers to Volume 34, issue No.12, page 1075 of the Maryland Register issued on June 8, 2007.