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Latin American Studies

This guide provides links to and information about electronic and print resources in Latin American studies available through the University of Maryland Libraries

Latin American History

The resources are listed alphabetically. .Clicking on the call number will open a link to the full record in UMD Discover. Clicking on the 'Full Description' will expand the text for an overview of that collection. Print and online indexes and finding aids are listed under other sources when available. Some of these are outside links not maintained by the University. To report broken links, please contact the author of the Guide.

Central Intelligence Agency. Latin America: 1946-1976.

CIA Research Reports: Latin America, 1946-1976

Location Code & Call Number: McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfilm F1414 .L371 1982 (5 Reels)

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The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:

Guide to the CIA Research Reports: Latin America, 1946-1976.  Available at F1414.L371 1982 Guide McKedlin Library Reference Microform Manuals

The John F. Kennedy national security files. : Latin America national security files, 1961-1963

The John F. Kennedy national security files. : Latin America national security files, 1961-1963

Location & Call Number McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfilm F1418 .J64 1987 (10 Reels)

The National Security Files (NSF) were the working files of John F. Kennedy's special assistant fornational security affairs, McGeorge Bundy.  The ten reels of microfilm from the National Security File, Country File, Latin America, focus on Brazil, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Nearly three reels on Brazil provide extensive documen-tation on internal Brazilian politics from the emergence to the overthrow of Goulart. There is extensive material on the U.S. aid program, and the documents make abundantly clear U.S. concern with Goulart's unpredictability and softness toward the Left. More than five reels on Cuba provide extensive detail on the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. One reel on the Dominican Republic documents the internal political situation from the assassination of Rafael Trujillo to the overthrow of Juan E. Bosch. Many topics are left uncovered among the available documents on Latin America, but the coverage gives clear indication of the administration's priorities and its major areas of concern.

The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:

Latin American History and Culture: An Archival Record

Location Code & Call Number: McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfilm F1760.L37 2000 (52 Reels)

Click to see full description

Print guide to the collection is located in Mckeldin Library Reference Microform Manuals F1760.L37 2000 Guide Parts 1-3

Cuban History and Culture

Location Code & Call Number McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfilm F1760.L38 2000 (96 Reels)

Click to see full description

Print guide to the collection in McKeldin Library Reference Microform Manuals F1760.L38 Guide 

Latin American Pamphlets

Location Code & Call Number: McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfilm F1408.25.L28 1993 (197 Reels)

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Entire guide to contents for the collection appears on first reel.

Print Guide to the collection is located in the Mckeldin Library Reference Microform Manuals, call number F1408.25.L28 1993 Guide

Location Code & Call Number: McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfiche F1208.L257 1985 (10,500 Fiche)

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The following source provides more information about the contents of each microfilm in the collection:

Location: McKeldin Library, Periodicals Room - Microfilm

Call number varies by country and subject area.

McKeldin Library owns a small selection of this set, primarily of materials related to human & civil rights and women & gender issues. Search Worldcat with the phrase "princeton university latin american pamphlet collection" to retrieve the titles and call numbers held by McKeldin Library.

The entire collection is owned by the Center for Research Libraries and specific reels may be borrowed through the Libraries Interlibrary Loan Department.

Click to see full description

The Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. : Latin America national security files, 1963-1969

The Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. : Latin America national security files, 1963-1969

Location & Call Number: McKeldin Library Periodicals Room - Microfilm  F1418.L962 1999 (13 Reels)

The National Security Files (NSF) were the working files of Lyndon B. Johnson's special assistants for national security affairs, McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow.  13 reels of declassified materials document the state of affairs in Cuba, the Panama and Dominican Republic crises, and formulation and implementation of the "Mann Doctrine" and the anti-Communist crusade. Documentation on a variety of emerging and evolving countries, including British Guiana, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, highlight the state of U.S. relations in Latin America, U.S. foreign aid and loans, border disputes. Communist and student demonstrations, and U.S. responses to various governmental crises and coup d'etats.  In addition, it contains important material on the Alliance for Progress, information on U.S. economic and military assistance programs in various Latin American countries and on the proposal for a Latin American nuclear free zone. In all, the collection's thirteen reels give a good sense of the important role of Latin America in U.S. foreign policy in the 1960s.

The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:

North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) Archive

North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) Archive of Latin Americana

Location: McKeldin Library, Periodicals Room - Micrrofilm

Call number varies by country and subject area.

The full set is comprised of 339 Microfilm reels. McKeldin Library owns a small selection of this growing set.

One way to identify which collections are owned by the UMD Libraries is to search in UMD Discover by the name of a country and the acronym nacla and limit your results to microform.

EXAMPES:    Argentina nacla

                        Brazil nacla

LIMIT by microform

The entire collection is owned by the Center for Research Libraries and specific reels may be borrowed through the Libraries Interlibrary Loan Department.

Click to see full description

The following sources provide more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection:

The Women's Movement in Cuba, 1898-1958

The Women’s movement in Cuba, 1898-1958: the Stoner collection on Cuban feminism


Location & Call Number:Mckeldin Library Periodicals room - Microfilm HQ1236.5.C9 W66 1991 (13 Reels)

Also available online as part of the Archives Unbound collection: Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958 Digital Archive


Click to see full description

The following source provides more detailed information about the contents of each microfilm reel in the collection: