UM Libraries follow the Library of Congress Classification.
For books on dance, browse for call numbers in the range GV1580-GV1799.
Note: 99% of the GVs are located in Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library.
Reference books are located on the first floor of MSPAL, and circulating books (Stacks and Folio) are located on the Second Floor. Some items (generally those with media components like CDs or DVDs) are in the Paged collections room, in which case you can request them at the Circulation Desk...a staff member will be happy to retrieve them for you!
Dance scholarship is often interdisciplinary, so don't be suprised if you occasionally find a book about Dance outside the GVs.
For example: Dance medicine and therapy is in the Rs (Medicine) and publications with a womens-studies or social-history perspective can be classed in the Hs (Social Sciences).
But if you need interdisciplinary dance materials, start with a Catalog Search -- browsing the shelves in large Classes like the Ms and Hs can be very difficult!