Searching is a process! Especially for niche topics, you'll likely need to try several different strategies and keywords in several different places. If you're not finding what you need, try these tips:
If you're getting very few results (not enough), try these strategies:
- Widen your research topic. Is there a way to make it more general or to remove references to a specific population of people, brand, location, etc.?
- Delete out a row of keywords.
- Add some keywords to each row, making sure to add OR in between.
- Try searching a different database
- If you've found a couple "highly relevant" sources that cover each part of your topic, use Google Scholar to locate the research they cite, and to find research that has cited them.
- If you've tried searching across multiple databases, consider that you may have found a gap in the research to address in your scholarship! You may need to integrate research from different disciplines, or research that addresses just 1-2 components of your topic.
If you're getting thousands of results (too many), try these strategies:
- In your keywords, add quotation marks around phrases of two or more words, so the database searches the words in that exact order. For example: "young people" "social media"
- Narrow your research topic. Focus on a more specific population of people, country, brand or platform, etc.
- Use the filters on the left to narrow down your results. Try checking the Peer Reviewed Articles box, or changing the publication date so it's just the past 5-10 years.
- Delete a few keywords from each row.
- Use a more discipline-specific database.