Google Scholar will link you directly to articles the UMD Libraries subscribe to, making it easier to find full-text content. Here's how to turn on this feature:
NOTE: Google Scholar will also show you full-text links if you have created a profile and are signed in, or if you're on a campus computer.
The Cited by function will show the research that has cited a given article. This is especially useful for literature reviews! Select the Cited by link below a search result to view the list.
Google Scholar generates citations for articles in different formats. To get a citation:
Many researchers have Google Scholar profiles that list their institutional affiliations and publications, like this example. Click any underlined author's name in your article search result.
Alternatively, you can search by name with the author search function: author:"safiya noble" or author:"s noble". This option also works for authors who don't have a Google Scholar profile.
Google Scholar brings back a lot of results in every discipline, so it doesn't always work as well for complex keyword searches. However, you can search "strings" of keywords and include some simple Boolean operators, like these examples:
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