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PLCY 306: Public Policy Analysis in Action: Housing Policy

Guide to resources for PLCY 306 assignments.


Because Nexis Uni is a full-text database, using - and - between concepts will, in most cases produce too many results and they will not be relevant.

The goal is to get the words closer together and there are several ways to do this.

In addition, use the same search strategies as for other databases, place phrases in quotes, use the * for truncation, use -or- for synonyms.

1. Limit words to the headline and first couple of paragraphs = hlead(...) (you can use the - and - here within the parenthesis)

hlead(housing and "wealth gap")

hlead(housing and ("right of first refusal" or "tenant opportunity to purchase act"))

hlead("fair housing"and (race or racial or minorit*))


2. Limit words to the same paragraph = /p or same sentence = /s

eviction* /p (coronavirus or "covid-19") /p (policy or policies or strategy or strategies or prevention or intervention or program*)

welfare /p "work requirement*" /p (legislation or laws or regulation* or policy or policies)

("affordable housing" or "subsidized housing") /s (school* or education)


Limit Results
Refine the search using the filters on the left:

Nexis Uni Results Filers
After you choose Publication Type and then Newspapers, you will see the individual newspaper titles.


National Newspapers Core
 Once in the database, the first step is to click on Advanced Search

National Newspapers Core Advanced Search

Bring the words closer together:
NEAR/ or N/ and add a number:
eviction* NEAR/5  (coronavirus or "covid-19") NEAR/5 (policy or policies or strategy or strategies or prevention or intervention or program*)