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There are 18,047 newspaper titles in the Prange Collection, which have been microfilmed. For a list of other institutions that also hold a set of the microfilm, see this page.
In addition, there are approximately 15,000 Censored Newspaper Articles (CNA) that date primarily from 1947 and 1948, with a limited number of articles from 1945, 1946, and 1949. The CNA have been digitized.
Visit this page for searching and accessing the newspapers and the Censored Newspaper Articles.
The inventory below was created by the Prange Collection staff. NOTE: The list is not complete and is subject to change without notice. The copyright of the inventory remains to the Prange Collection. The inventory may be used for research purpose only.
文化時報/Bunka Jiho - 在日本朝鮮民主主義文化連盟機関紙 (Call No. NB0292)
Holdings: No. 1-2 (8/20/49-9/30/49)
Published by 在日本朝鮮民主ゝ義文化連盟
朝聯神奈川/Choren Kanagawa - 在日本朝鮮人聯盟神奈川県本部機関紙 (Call No. NC0218)
Holdings: No. 1-23 (7/[1]/47-6/21/49)
Published by 朝聯神奈川編集局
朝鮮留学生同盟新聞/Chosen Ryugakusei Domei Shimbun (Call No. NC0250)
The Korean student press - 朝鮮学生同盟新聞
Holding: No. 4 (7/15/48)
Published by 朝鮮留学生同盟兵庫県支部文化部編集委員会
朝鮮新聞/Chosen Shimbun (Call No. 47-loc-0015)
「生活權の擁護へ. 在日朝鮮人團體の動き」
民青時報/Minsei Jiho (Call No. 47-frn-2690)
「國連決定に期待うす. 健は朝鮮人自身の手に. 總一政府樹立に全ての力を」
解放新聞/Haebang Sinmun (Call No. 48-frn-1817)
「米國의失業人口. 十年今後七百萬豫測」
朝鮮情報/Korean Information Press (Call No. 48-frn-3045)
「鬱陵島事件眞相... 」
Other example newspaper titles are: 国際タイムス, 朝鮮特信.