The following websites contain some basic information about Maryland geography:
Maryland at a Glance: Maryland Natural Resources and Geography from the Maryland Manual - Articles from the Maryland Manual Online, a guide to state government created by the Maryland State Archives, describing Maryland's physical geography (land, climate, etc.). Other Maryland Manual entries addressing Maryland geography include:
Physiographic Map of Maryland - Maryland Geological Survey Map illustrating and describing Maryland's six physiographic provinces.
Maryland Regions - Briefly describes the history, culture, and geography of Maryland's distinct land regions.
Maryland Topography - Briefly describes the geographic features of Maryland's Appalachian mountains, Piedmont plateau, and Atlantic coastal plain.
Maryland Facts - National Geographic - Includes a few facts about Maryland, as well as a Maryland travel guide.
Maryland State Publications - Information on Maryland state publications available on the web and at the University of Maryland Libraries
Below is a listing of state agencies that collect and disseminate important data involving Maryland geography. These agencies also produce geography-related publications and reports, many of which are available online. Publications that cannot be found online may be available in the Maryland Room, which is an official state documents depository.