This guide provides information about American and British primary source material available at the University of Maryland Libraries. It covers electronic, microform, and Special Collections resources. The electronic and microform materials cover the period between ca. 1500 and the 20th century. Some of these are manuscripts, but most are print publications: books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, and periodicals. Some of the databases are indexes that provide citations to newspaper and periodical articles but do not include the full text. Email or phone the subject specialist for more information and assistance with electronic and microform resources. The majority of the Special Collections holdings date from the late 15th to the early 21st century and include books, newspapers, manuscripts, archives, maps, microforms, and photographs. Email Special Collections Curators for assistance with and information about Special Collections. In addition to the resources available at the University of Maryland Libraries there are many specialized electronic resources available on-site at the Library of Congress. Search the Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog for a list of their electronic databases.