Check out the Citation LibGuide for information on:
Check out the Citation Management Tools LibGuide for help finding and using bibliographic citation managers!
Bibliographic citation managers (e.g. EndNote Web, Zotero, etc.) help researchers keep track of their references for research papers, theses, dissertations, journal articles, publication lists, course reserve lists, or any other writing needs. The software also facilitates the downloading of citations directly from the Web, online databases, and online library catalogs. Using bibliographic citation managers helps researchers create bibliographies or lists of references and easily format them in a wide variety of styles.
As you write academic papers, you will need to use citations in order to give credit to other works you have used to support your argument, show background research, and provide a context to your studies. Higher-level academic papers require you to use a lot of citations, and you can use citation management tools to make keeping track of your sources easier.
A citation management tool is an online tool that allows you to store, organize, and export citations according to whatever style you need. The University of Maryland subscribes to many tools that can make organizing your sources easier.