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Virtual Business Information Center

Basic Search

This is the basic search box for UMD Discover, the best place to identify books and other materials owned by the UM Libraries and other libraries around the world.  Choose the "All UMD Discover Items" tab and enter search terms in the box to get started. Don't worry about being too precise at first; you can easily narrow down your results later to books, publication date, etc. You can also click Advanced Search for more precise search options.  


Basic Search Explained

To do a Basic Search, simply type your topic in the search box

Basic Search Explained

UMD Discover searches for books. articles, and many other materials in the UM Libraries and worldwide. The default sort is Library and Relevance, meaning results held by our library are given first priority and are shown first.  You can change the sort to any other option (Relevance, Author, Title, Date).




Use the facets on the left-hand side to limit your results to format (books, articles, etc.) publication date, language, etc. Click on the title of a source to retrieve the full record which gives you more information.



The full record of the item will tell you in which library the source is located, and, for books, whether or not it is checked out and its call number, which you will need to find it on the shelf.  It will also indicate if it is available as an ebook.  Consult How How do I Find Books By Call Numbers in McKeldin to locate books on the shelf.


Click on the description to find out more about the book such as a summary or table of contents.



Use the links in the top of the page to email or save the record and for help with citing the source.