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Bibliometrics and Altmetrics: Measuring the Impact of Knowledge

Learn how to track citations to your research and effectively communicate the impact and significance of your academic work.

Find an h-Index

Getting started with...
  1. Web of Science
  2. Publish or Perish
  3. Google Scholar


     Video tutorial explaining how to find h-Index in Web of Science. 

Note: Jump to 2:45 minutes on the video to start watching the section about Web of Science.

Find an h-Index in WEB OF SCIENCE

 Watch the video tutorial or follow the instructions below:
  1. Go to Web of Science from Database Finder (If you are off-campus, login using your directory ID and password).
  2. Click on Author Search under Basic Search tab.
  3. Enter the name of the author (e.g. Smith JT), Research Domain, and/or Organization.
  4. Click on Finish Search.
  5. Click on Create Citation Report on the right hand corner of the results page, the h-Index is on the right of the screen.

Find an h-Index in GOOGLE SCHOLAR

This tool requires a gmail accountA Google account is necessary to create a research profile. Follow the instructions on Google's page and add all your articles captured in Google Scholar.  This will show all the times the articles have been cited by other documents in Google Scholar.  It is your choice whether you make your profile public or private but when you make it public, you can link to it from your own webpages and in email messages.

See Albert Einstein's.

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Find an h-Index in PUBLISH OR PERISH

The Publish or Perish site uses data from Google Scholar. An explanation of citation metrics is available here.

Publish or Perish is available in Windows and Linux formats and can be downloaded at no cost from the Publish or Perish website.

Once you have downloaded the application, you can use Publish or Perish to find h-Index by entering a simple author search.  

 Watch the video tutorial or follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the application from your Start menu.
  2. Type in the author's name.
  3. Click on Lookup on the top right corner.
  4. The h-Index will display on the results page.
  5. You can narrow your search results further by deselecting individual articles. The h-Index will update dynamically as you do this.

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