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LARC162: Environmental Justice: Same World, Different Built Environment

Use this guide to find resources and assistance for your course projects!

APA Overview

Using APA

How APA citations work:

  • You cite a reference where you use it in the text with the format of (Author, Year)
  • Then you list the full citation at the end of your paper, with the list in alphabetical order:
    • Author last name, first initial. (Year). Title, additional information. DOI or URL
    • This changes depending on the type of reference with additional authors being included and/or the title of a book or journal being used for a shorter work appearing in a larger work (i.e. an article appearing in a journal or a book chapter)
  • Each citation used in the text should be found in the reference list at the end of your paper and vice versa - remember the goal is to give the reader enough information to look up the reference themselves if they wish.

How to create citations:

  • Try a citation manager! These work with MS Word and do all the formatting for you - just check the data input and output (like using spell check - you still need to proof-read!). Check out our guide on citation managers (link above) and start using Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote.
  • Use a quick citation generator like ZoteroBib. Just paste in a DOI or an article title and it will create a citation you can copy into your paper.

For more details see the full guide on Purdue OWL or APA's website.

APA Citations in Presentations Slides

More on APA Citations

Examples from the blog: