This guide provides an overview of electronic resources for research and coursework in Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC), Animal and Avian Sciences (ANSC), Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP), Environmental Science and Technology (ENST), the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA), Nutrition and Food Science (NFSC), Plant Science & Landscape Architecture (PSLA), and Veterinary Medicine (VTMD).
Below are a list of major scientific literature indexes and tools that you should consult first when conducting a literature review in support of a thesis, dissertation, article, or monograph. After consulting some of these, view the databases by subject page for additional suggested resources in your subject discipline.
Multi-disciplinary database providing information for nearly every area of academic study. Includes an enormous collection of the most valuable peer-reviewed full text journals, as well as additional journals, magazines, newspapers and books. Multidisciplinary subjects including: social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medicine, ethnic studies. 1965- present.