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BSST 630: Motivations and Intents of Terrorists and Terrorist Groups

Course guide for BSST 630

Search Strategies


Always think about different ways to say the same thing.  Start with keywords to describe your topic, within results, read  the abstract and look at the subject headings to identify additional keywords to use and revise the search (if needed).
Retrieve too many results? Limit to scholarly articles, limit words to subject

Search Strategies: 
Start with keywords (place phrases in quotes), use connectors (or / and) and look for the subject headings specific to each database.

place phrases in quotes so the whole phrase will be searched together and not the words individually
"national identity"
"middle east"
"political radicalism"
"low income"
"terrorist groups"
"terrorist organizations"
"Bolo Haram"
"psychological aspects"
"Lord’s Resistance Army"


Place an * at the end of the word to retrieve all the variations
terrorist* = terrorist or terrorists threat* = threat or threats  
terroris* = terrorism or terrorist or terrorists factor* = factor or factors  
psycholog* = psychology or psychological motivat* = motivate or motivates or motivating or motivator or motivational  
emotion* = emotion or emotions factor* = factor or factors  
female* = female or females child* = child or children or children's  
martyr* = martyr or martyr's or martyrdom religio* = religion or religious  









use - or - to connect synonyms or like concepts
any of the words can be present

factor* or reason* or motive* or psycholog*
socioeconomic or poverty or "low income" or unemployment
nationalism or "nationalist identity"
female* or women or woman
motivation or engagement or participation
spirituality or religion or theology

use - and - to connect concepts
all terms must be included

terroris* and (factor* or reason* or motivat*) and socioeconomic
terroris* and motivat* and suicide
terroris* and (female* or women or women) and suicide
terroris* and (motivat* or engagement or participation) and religion
"Lord’s Resistance Army" and motivat*


In addition, you can search by a known author. Or follow the author link for additional works.