NAVIGATION: For detailed instructions on how to navigate the Digital Sanborn Maps website, see the Digital Sanborn Maps main page in this guide.
If, for example, you're most interested in area around Brookes Avenue in the Capitol Heights neighborhood just south east of Washington, D.C. use the following steps to get a closer look of the specific neighborhood or street.
Start with Washington DC, 1939, Index (Sheet 0a):
To zoom, use any of the options at the top of the window:
Once you have zoomed in, you can see that you need sheet 450:
To get to sheet 450, click back to the page showing the thumbnails of all the sheets. At the bottom of the page use the "Jump to sheet" dropdown menu:
Sheet 450 from the 1939 Washington DC Sanborn Map:
Once you are zoomed in, you can navigate using the blue arrows: