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ENSP 400: Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy

Research guide for ENSP 400: Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy

AFO Ammonia Emissions in Maryland

AFO Ammonia Emissions in Maryland



To create a map of animal feeding operations (AFOs) in Maryland and their proximity to residential areas, including overburdened communities, in order to assist the Chesapeake Legal Alliance (CLA) in targeting greater permitting, enforcement, and other mechanisms to protect waters and communities. The project will also include the development of a research report that describes the harms to air quality, water quality, and public health from AFOs and analyzes patterns found in the map in order to make recommendations to CLA.


 1. CLA seeks recommendations on areas to target for permitting and grassroots advocacy in order to protect waters and communities from ammonia pollution from AFOs.
2. Create a GIS map that includes parameters such as race, socio-economic status, income and educational level. It is recommended to use the Maryland Environmental Justice Screening Tool.


Questions to Answer

  1. What are the impacts of ammonia emissions on specific waterways in Maryland?

  2. Which Maryland communities are most impacted by ammonia emissions and other harms from AFOs in the Chesapeake?

  3. What are the other environmental and public health impacts of AFOs? 

  4. What other trends or findings are evident from mapping the relationship between AFO locations and other environmental and socioeconomic data?

  5. How often have MDE or AFO operators taken action to mitigate these impacts?  

  6. How have other states mapped and researched AFO emissions and what can be learned from these states? 

It is so important to follow up on references you find in relevant documents. And for journal articles, in addition to using the references, be sure to look forward and go to google scholar to see who has cited the article. See the tab: Citation Chasing.

  • Use your project scope document to create a list of searchable keywords. Add keywords listed in relevant articles to this list.
  • Keep track of your searches and what databases you are using so you do not duplicate your work

For example,  The Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and the Assateague Coastal Trust  Report (linked under Assignment Resources) has the following references:
Report - follow the link
Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative, “Ammonia Emissions from Poultry Production”, 2022, Link:

Additional examples:
The journal article, Modeling and measurements of ammonia from poultry operations: Their emissions, transport, and deposition in the Chesapeake Bay (linked under Assignment Resources) has been cited by 17 other researchers. Go to Google Scholar to see the citations.

The journal article, Sadia Naseem and Annie J. King, “Ammonia production in poultry houses can affect health of humans, birds, and the environment—techniques for its reduction during poultry production” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018.
has been cited by 190 other researchers 116 cited from the Web of Science. Your research will be greatly expanded if you take a look at the citing documents. Build your bibliography.


Some sample searches and databases: (databases linked below)
Try searches using the water keywords with or without  the "animal feeding operation*" keywords and without Maryland

Google Scholar =
"ammonia emissions" waterways maryland

Other databases:
Try a combination of words:
Web of Science

"ammonia emissions" 
waterway* or water or bay or chesapeake
maryland (change search field from All Fields to Abstract to be sure the article isa about the state of maryland)

"Animal Feeding Operation*" or AFO*

EbscoHost Databases:
Academic Search Ultimate
Garden, Landscape and Horticulture Index

Remember to get into one database and then add the others to search the databases together. See the tab - Searching Multiple Databases

You might not retrieve any relevant documents by adding - Maryland - but yo might find other documents from other states/areas you can use:
"ammonia emissions"
waterway* or water or bay or chesapeake
"Animal Feeding Operation*" or AFO*


Google - use the site: and org / gov 
"animal feeding operation*" maryland ammonia emission* site:org
"animal feeding operation*" maryland ammonia emission* water* site:org
"animal feeding operation*" maryland ammonia emission* water* site:gov