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ENSP 400: Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy

Research guide for ENSP 400: Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy

Coastal Forests & Salt Water

To identify and assess alternative land use options for coastal forest landowners in Maryland whose land is, or may become, impacted by saltwater intrusion.

Image of cypress swamp at Battle Creek

Search strategies:
"saltwater intrusion" and forest*
("coastal forest*" and ("saltwater incursion" or "saltwater intrusion")

Quotes around a phrase tell a database to look for that exact phrase
The * allows for variations Examples:

  • manage* = manage or manages or management
  • forest* = forest, forests, forested

Google can limit documents to:

  • government when you type site:gov = federal /state / municipal / local government and government-sponsored research

For example: "air pollution" site:gov

For additional information on searching, see the Search Strategies under Library Overview.

Databases provide full text or abstract collections that cover a specific topic or topics. They are like Google Scholar, but more focused on a subject. The databases listed below will help you find more valuable information. GreenWire will also help you find recent news articles that may help direct your research.

There are many resources on the internet that may help you with your search, but remember to make sure they're authoritative. Start with Google. Try adding to your search. This will retrieve documents published by or research supported by all levels of government (local, state, federal).

a screenshot of a google search for saltwater intrusion or incursion

The e-books listed below give provide information on saltwater incursions in nearby coastal areas.


The books listed below give helpful information regarding coastal forests.


The videos embedded below may give you some ideas on how to better organize your research or different topics you may want to investigate further.