Children's Core Collection provides titles chosen specifically for readers from preschool through grade five. Containing over 30,000 titles, this collection covers all genres.
Fiction Core Collection features classic and contemporary works and provides titles for a general adult audience. The best authors and their most widely-read works in literary and popular fiction old and new are listed. [Note: ISBNs are not part of a searchable field in this database.]
Graphic Novels Core Collection highlights more than 3,000 titles for all age levels in the increasingly popular genre of graphic novels. This collection includes descriptive and evaluative annotations, cover art, review excerpts and awards the title has won.
ISBNs are not part of a searchable field in this database.
Do not attempt to search on authors by truncating the first name. Last, F? will often result in zero hits. Try searching on Last or Last, First
Middle and Junior High Core Collection is ideal for libraries serving readers in grades five through nine. This collection contains over 19,000 entries for nonfiction and fiction works recommended for children and adolescents.
ISBNs are not part of a searchable field in this database.
Do not attempt to search on authors by truncating the first name. Last, F? will often result in zero hits. Try searching on Last or Last, First
Senior High Core Collection is a selective list of fiction and non-fiction titles recommended for high school students (grades 9 through 12), along with review sources and other professional aids for librarians and school media specialists.
ISBNs are not part of a searchable field in this database.
Do not attempt to search on authors by truncating the first name. Last, F? will often result in zero hits. Try searching on Last or Last, First