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Fearless Teaching in the UMD Libraries

Pre-Observation Meeting Discussion Questions

Pre-Observation Meeting Discussion Questions

If you select the pre-observation meeting option, below are a list of discussion questions to guide your meeting. While you are not required to discuss all of the below discussion questions during your pre-observation meeting, these discussion questions are meant to serve as prompts to guide your discussion.

To Prepare for the Pre-Observation Meeting

  • Bring the assignment sheet or prompt from the course instructor that this session is supporting.
  • Share context about the class. What student-level is this class for? Is this class a core requirement, an elective, etc.?
  • Bring any previous notes or feedback about the class if you have taught a session for the class before.


Library instruction works best when it is paired with an assignment that students are completing.

  • What is the assignment the session is supporting?
  • What are the assignment requirements and learning outcomes for the assignment?


  • How will you assess student learning? This can be formal or informal! If you are looking for examples of informal assessment, check out FTI's Formative Assessment slides.
  • How much engagement do you have with the course? For example, do students from the course regularly reach out to you for help? Do you work with this course every year?
  • What are your learning outcomes for the session?

Student Work

  • What will students be working on when they come to the library?
  • What will students have already done before the session?

During the Session

  • How do you plan to engage students during the session?
  • What strategies will you use to make sure students are actively engaged?
  • What will your students be able to do after the session?


  • Is there anything you would like specific feedback on during your observation?
  • How do you feel about teaching? Is there anything you are hoping to try with your teaching?

Questions on this form were inspired by the UMD TLTC’s Peer Teaching Observation Guide.