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GVPT 241: The Study of Political Philosophy: Ancient and Modern Spring 2024

Guide to resources for GVPT 241

Databases - Scholarly Journal Articles

Your Essay #2 Assignment:
Make use of at least 4 scholarly sources NOT from the textbook (exceptions made for canonical texts)

You will find articles on your topic in several of the databases that are part of the EbscoHost platform. You will want to search the databases together to remove duplicates. You will be wasting your time if you search the databases individually.

No matter what you are writing about, everyone should use the following  databases:
Academic Search Ultimate
MasterFILE Premier
Philosophers Index

Get into one database such as Academic Search Ultimate (linked below) and then once in, click on - choose databases - and add the others. See screen shot below
Depending on your topic, there will be additional databases to add.
Education = Education Source
Business = Business Source Complete
Health = Medline / Health Source: Consumer Edition
Social Media = Communication and Mass Media Complete
Gender = Women's Studies International and LGBTQ+ Source
Criminology = Criminal Justice Abstracts

There are many other databases - check under - Choose Databases

Get into one database such as Academic Search Ultimate and then once in, click on - choose databases - and add the others

EbscoHost choose databases


Ebscohost choose databases select all


Once in the results on the left-hand side, scroll down and:

Limit results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
limit date 
llmit by Language

Too many results:
change the search field from - Select a Field - to - AB Abstract

Ebsco Search Gun Control and Liberty

Ebsco Limits

Too Many Results - in addition to the limits - you can limit the words so they appear in the Abstract only by changing the Search Field

Ebsco Change Search Field to AB Abstract