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GVPT 241: The Study of Political Philosophy: Ancient and Modern Spring 2024

Guide to resources for GVPT 241


Since the newspaper databases are fulltext, using the -and- connector usually results in too many items retrieved and too many not relevant. See the individual database tabs for searching tips.

Nexis Uni
Bring the words closer together
/p = words have to be in the same paragraph =
(liberty or liberties) /p mask* /p (covid* or coronavirus)

/s = words have to be in the same sentence =
(liberty or liberties) /s mask* /s (covid* or coronavirus) 

hlead(...) = words have to be in the headline and lead paragraphs  = here you can use  - and - =
hlead((liberty or liberties) and mask* and (covid* or coronovirus))


NexisUni Search Covid Masks Liberty

National Newspapers Core, Ethnic Newswatch, GenderWatch are all Proquest databaes and thus searching tips are the same.
Bring the words closer together
N/# = there can only be a certain number of words between =
(liberty or liberties) N/10 mask* N/10 (covid* or coronavirus)
Can also change the search field from -Anywhere -to -Anywhere except fulltext

For National Newspapers Core - first click on Advanced Search 


National Newspapers Core Covid Near Search