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Discovery Tools @ UMD

News, tutorials, and tips for using discovery tools at UMD.

WorldCat UMD January Update (01/24/2019)

Access Alternate Editions From the Search Results Page

WorldCat UMD features two new enhancements improving the discoverability of alternate editions and formats from the search results page:

  1. E-resources will list if a print version the item's location and call number. The entry also lists if the print item is an older or newer print edition which is hyperlinked, directing you to the detailed item record for that item. Note, this affects all electronic formats including electronic video formats.

    Local print availability on e-resource record

  2. Similarly, listings on the search results page now list alternate editions and formats. Each item in the list is hyperlinked to that item's detailed record, so you can simply click on the alternate format/edition to view that item's record.


Search Results User Interface Cleaned-Up

Several improvements have been made to how search results are displayed in order to improve the user experience:

  1. Cover art now uses higher resolution images and displays larger
  2. Cover art now will now display regardless of the size of the device being used. Previously cover art did not display on mobile devices
  3. Title information now displays in line with other metadata

Old Display:

  Old search results display     

New Display:  

New search results display



WorldCat UMD December Update (12/11/2018)

Labels for Sections in Detailed Records Updated

Old section labels          =>  New label language

The section labels in records have been updated to include active language to encourage interaction, but the sections themselves have remained the same.

New Detailed Record Editions and Formats Interface

The editions and formats section in detailed records has been updated to enable users to better navigate the different materials. The interface now displays items using a table, listing the format, publication date, and language for each item. It also includes a library column, displaying if UMD Libraries or one of our partner institutions in the Big Ten or USMAI owns the item. It also indicates how many libraries worldwide hold the item (more wildly held items suggesting better luck with an interlibrary loan request if needed). Above the table there is a sort feature mirroring the functionality in the search results page. On the left side there are filter options that enable you to narrow down what is displayed based on format, publication date, language, and holding institution similar to some of the facets found on the search results page.

new editions and formats interface


WorldCat UMD October Update (10/23/2018)

Call Number Searching:

WorldCat UMD has been configured to enable call number searching. You can now search for materials by call number. While you can simply search or browse call numbers by inputting the call number in the search box, it is recommended you that you use the call number search index (nu:) for the best search results, for example: nu:PS3048.

Please be aware, many--but not all--of our e-resources, including e-books, are not assigned call numbers, so call number searching is best for finding print materials.

Improving Access to Open Access Resources:

WorldCat UMD has new features enhancing discoverability and access to quality open access materials such as resources from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), and Knowledge Unlatched.

1) WorldCat UMD now features a filter enabling users to narrow results to open access materials. In the search results screen, you can find the option on the left-hand side of the screen under the "content" search tools heading. You can also find the option on the advanced search screen.
open access filteropen access filter, advanced search

2) WorldCat UMD through a partnership between OCLC (our Vendor) and Unpaywall, now provides links using DOIs listed in the WorldCat record and checking it against the Unpaywall database. This process ensures that the resource is open access and that you are provided with a reliable link to the resource.
Here is an example of a link:

unpaywall link

As always, if you encounter any problems while trying to access an e-resource, you can use our Report a Problem form to get assistance.

Detailed Creator Information:

Descriptions, found in the detailed record for an item, now display responsibility statements for creators, helping users better understand the creator's relationship to the work. This is particularly important for musical scores and other similar materials to help understand if a listed individual is the composer, arranger, performer, etc.

Here is an example:

detailed author statement

WorldCat UMD Summer Updates (09/20/2018)

Find DOIs in Item Records:

When looking at a record in WorldCat UMD, you will find, when available, the DOI displayed on the record. The DOI also fuctions as a link, adding the domain, so if the library has access to the article, it can function as another means to accessing the record.

Be aware: these DOIs do not add our proxy information to the links, so if you're trying to access an article from off-campus, you may encounter a pay wall even if the library has a subscription to that journal. In this situation you can always use our Reload Button to get access to the article.


Find the DOI in the description section of an item record


Improved Author Searching from a Record:

Records in WorldCat UMD enable you to find more materials by an author of an item by clicking on their name in a record. This performs a search and provides you with the results. This feature has been enhanced to better ensure the results returned, when using this feature, are by the particular author and not someone with a similar name.


After clicking on an author's name...

Arrow pointing out location of author's name on a WorldCat record


You should find resources by that particular author.

Author search results


Generate Citations for e-Journals, Theses, and Dissertations:

The cite feature in WorldCat UMD has been updated to generate citations for additional formats: e-journals, theses, and dissertations.

Just a reminder, the citation feature can be accessed when viewing the search results page:

Arrow highlighting citation feature on search results page


And from within the detailed record view:

Arrow highlighting citation feature within the detailed record view