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Biographical Information on Scientists

This guide identifies major resources and suggestions for biographical research in the sciences.

Some Search Engines and Directories

Free Search Engines and Directories


Brief descriptions of notable individuals from all nations, periods, and fields.

DMOZ Directory of Scientist and Engineer Biographies 

Famous Scientists 

National Inventors 
Biographies of inventors, listing notable invention(s) and patent numbers.

Nobel Foundation
Information about Nobel Prize winners. 

Scientific Biography 
Biographical information on famous people in the sciences.

Virtual Library of Science, Technology and Medicine
Links to sites providing biographical data relating to the history of science, technology and medicine, including collective biographies and biographical databases as well as individual biographical sites.

Searching for free online biography resources

Searching Tips and Tricks


When you search any search engine, like Google or Yahoo, use the following tips to find relevant information:

  • Quotes ( ".....")

Place your search phrases in quotes in order to find that exact phrase on web sites.  Otherwise, the search engine may search for sites containing any word in your search terms. 

Example: "Glenn Luther Martin"

  • Including Terms ( + )

Placing a plus sign ( + ) in front of your search term will require the search engine to find that term somewhere on the page, rather than in keywords which may be hidden in the coding in the background of the page. 

Example: +"Glenn Luther Martin" +inventions

  • Excluding Terms ( - )

If you do not want to see pages from popular web sites, such as Wikipedia or Amazon, you can use a minus sign ( - ) to exclude pages with these terms. 

Example: +"Glenn Luther Martin" -Wikipedia