Write down a description of your topic in 10 words or less.
Circle the nouns in the sentence.
Identify synonyms each of the nouns and write those down. You now have your "search terms."
Tips and Tricks
Remember that less is more--don't try to make your poster too busy.
Search "full text" or keyword.
Use Google Scholar and research databases--see below.
Do a multi-disciplinary search; don't limit yourself to only searching one discipline.
Utilize citation chaining--if you find a good resource, find the citations for that resource, and check those out as well.
Look into citation management software, such as Zotero.
Finding Books at UMD
The following two pages are for finding books using UMD Discover. The first page explains how to get to UMD Discover and some basic search techniques, while the second page gives some more advanced ways for utilizing UMd Discover's searching.