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For best results, use the Library of Congress Subject Headings (viewable within individual WorldCat UMD records.) Subject headings in Disability Studies will vary widely depending on your topic of interest. Some examples of relevant subject headings are:
Disability studies | Sociology of disability |
Disabled persons | People with disabilities |
People with mental disabilities | People with visual disabilities |
People with disabilities in literature | People with disabilities in mass media |
Artists with disabilities | Children with disabilities |
Parents with disabilities | Students with disabilities |
Women with disabilities | Computers and people with disabilities |
Developmentally disabled children | Communicative disorders |
Hearing disorders | Movement disorders |
Psychomotor disorders | Speech disorders |
Mental retardation | Learning disabled |
Blind | Deaf |
Barrier-free design | Discrimination against people with disabilities |
Many subject headings will also subdivide. For example, People with disabilities includes the following sub-divisions:
Use the WorldCat UMD Advanced Search page to limit your search to the Subjects field, as shown below.