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COMM 307: Quantitative Methods in Communication

Learn how to find research studies for your literature review.

Communication & Mass Media Complete

Getting Started: Communication & Mass Media Complete

Database Search Tips

Search Tips

  • Enter a few of your keywords in each of the search boxes, one set of related terms per row.
  • Click the + button if you need to add a row.
  • Add OR in capital letters between each search term.

Screenshot of EBSCO search boxes. Key phrases are listed in each search box with OR in capital letters between tem

  • Scroll through the first 1-2 pages of search results. Read article titles and hover over the magnifying glass icon to view abstracts. Look for quantitative studies that address each component of your topic.

Magnifying glass icon

  • Check the Peer Reviewed Articles box on the left side.
  • Experiment with different keywords and filters to see how that changes your results.
  • Look at the Subjects listed under each article result. Do they give you any new keyword ideas?
  • To save the link to a search: Click Share at the top right of your search results, and copy and paste the permalink.
  • To save the link to an article: Click Permalink on the right side of the article landing page, and copy the link.

Adjust Your Results

How To Tweak Your Results

If you're getting very few results (not enough), try these strategies:

  • Widen your research topic. Is there a way to make it more general or to remove references to a specific population of people, brand, location, etc.?
  • Delete out a row of keywords.
  • Add some keywords to each row, making sure to add OR in between.

If you're getting thousands of results (too many), try these strategies:

  • In your keywords, add quotation marks around phrases of two or more words, so the database searches the words in that exact order. For example: "young people"  "social media"
  • Narrow your research topic. Focus on a more specific population of people, country, brand or platform, etc.
  • Use the filters on the left to narrow down your results. Try checking the Peer Reviewed Articles box, or changing the publication date so it's just the past 5-10 years.
  • Delete a few keywords from each row.

Try Other Databases

Try Other Databases

Are you still not finding much? Does your topic pertain to a specific area of communications, like healthcare, politics, marketing, or education? Try searching your keywords in another database. Here are a few that might work well: