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PLCY 201: Public Leaders and Active Citizens

Resources for PLCY 201.


Nexis Uni Search Tips

1. place the name  in quotes
"Elon Musk"

2.use the * for truncation


There are several ways to formulate your search. Keep in mind though that because this is a full text database, using - and - to connect your concepts will, in most cases, result in a large number of items and many will not be relevant.

Best to try and bring the word/s closer together.

Bring the words closer together:
/s = same sentence 
"elon musk" /s leader*

/p = same paragraph
"elon musk" /p leader*

hlead(...) - limit to headline and lead paragraphs (you can use -and- here since you are limiting where the words appear
      hlead("elon musk" and leader*)

Filters on the left:
search within
publication type - then sources

National Newspapers Core Search Tips

1. place the name  in quotes
"Elon Musk"

2.use the * for truncation


 Keep in mind though that because this is a full text database, using - and - to connect your concepts will, in most cases, result in a large number of items and many will not be relevant.

Best to try and bring the word/s closer together.

N/# = there can only be a certain number of words between = "elon musk" N5 leader*
Can also change the search field from Anywhere to Abstract or  Anywhere except fulltext

Ethnic Newswatch and GenderWatch
same search strategies as National Newspapers Core

To search these databases together, get into one and then click on the three-lined menu on the left and then Change Databases - and add the others

ProQuest Change Databases