What is microfilm?
Microfilm is reproduction of an original document on a roll of film. It looks very much like the film in a camera. It is made so that it is easy to preserve documents and make copies of them without having to handle old newsprint or crumbling letters.
How do I use microfilm?
Microfilm is inserted into a reader, which then projects a full-size image of the original onto a screen so that the user can view it. Please visit us and our librarians will provide a quick tutorial on the uses of microfilm and microfilm readers.
Hornbake Library houses the campus's Archives and Manuscripts as well as its special book collections, maps and some microfilmed newspapers. The materials in this library are non-circulating, which means that they must be read in the special research room in Hornbake, the Maryland Room. The Maryland Room has different hours than the library itself, so double-check them before you plan your visit. If possible, call ahead so that the librarians can have the materials on reserve for you.
Click here for a campus map showing library locations.
Visit the Maryland Room in Hornbake Library or the Periodical area of McKeldin Library to view these microfilmed newspapers.