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Federal Depository Library Program in Maryland, Delaware, and DC

LibGuide for selective Federal depository libraries served by the University of Maryland Libraries

Leaving the Federal Depository Library Program

Start: When the library is thinking about leaving:

When the library is planning and carrying out its withdrawal from the FDLP

Moving the Collection

If your library needs to be temporarily closed, notify GPO and the regional by submitting a contingency plan. Include the following in the plan:

  • Name of your institution,
  • Expected beginning and ending dates of the renovations,
  • Name of a contact person at your institution for depository questions,
  • A plan of how you will continue to check-in new materials,
  • The extent of the curtailment of service,
  • Details about how the library will fulfill Government information requests
  • How the library will notify its users and other libraries (both depository and non-depository) about service and access changes. Methods for informing users include:
    • a web page notice,
    • telephone greetings,
    • library signage,
    • emails and automatic replies,
  • the renovation's impact on interlibrary loan services
  • a description of the renovation's possible impact on the library's ability to process new materials and how the library will address the issue after the project is completed.