WorldCat UMD is a discovery tool that searches libraries worldwide and allows you to search multiple high-quality sources simultaneously.
Why use WorldCat UMD? WorldCat UMD has been optimized for discovery. This means that even if you are not an expert, you are likely to come across something useful for your research. If you are an expert, you may come across new resources you wouldn't have found otherwise. WorldCat includes holdings of UMD Libraries in many media as well as holdings of many other libraries in the USA and abroad. Many materials can be borrowed from other libraries using the "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan." The default display is items owned by the UMD Libraries. Other ways of sorting results include "Best Match," "Date (Newest First)," etc.
To get to your results, you can search any of the following terms: "Israel," "Palestine," "Hamas," "Arab," etc., in combination with words like: "war," "conflict," "human rights," etc.
Databases are subscription resources that bring articles from various journals, book chapters, book reviews, and other subject-specific materials into one place with a sophisticated search engine. Databases can be subject-specific or general. A subject-specific database will deal with research issues pertaining to that specific subject and from that point of view. For example, Historical Abstracts with Full Text is a subject database for history. General or multidisciplinary databases, like Academic Search Unlimited will include articles on more general or multidisciplinary topics from a variety of different disciplines. Often, these databases are an excellent starting point, particularly for undergraduate research. Use databases to find journal articles, book chapters, book reviews, conference proceedings, dissertations, and more related to your topic. Consult Database Finder for the full list of available databases in various subjects.
Below are databases that deal specifically with the region.