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Open Dataset

This guide list sources of geospatial dataset in variety of topics.

Data Sources by Category

Source Name and Link Keywords Datatype Coverage
GlobCover by European Space Agency storms, hurricanes, fires and meteorological phenomena Raster Global
Climate Change Initiative Land Cover by European Space Agency cropland, rainfed, herbaceous cove, tree, shrub cover, cropland irrigated, post-flooding Raster Global
EarthEnv Project tree, shrubs, vegetation, flood, snow/ice, barren, water Raster Global
Global Land Cover-SHARE (GLC-SHARE) surface, crop, grassland, tree, shrubs, vegetation, mangrove, bare soil, snow, waterbodies Raster Global
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) marine, freshwater, terrestrial ecoregions Vector Global


Source Name and Link Keywords Datatype Coverage
Global PALSAR-2/PALSAR/JERS-1 Mosaics and Forest/Non-Forest Maps
forest, maps, mosaic Vector, Raster Global
Global Forest Change 2000–2019
Data by University of Maryland
global forest loss, landsat-8 Raster Global