Crosstab query
Crosstab queries are a quick way to check the spread of coding across cases and demographic variables.
For example, you can use crosstab queries to:
Check how often interview respondents refer to a particular topic or issue
Compare what different demographic groups have said about a theme
Cross-tabulate codes and cases
Check the spread of coding across the cases in a project
On the Explore tab, in the Queries menu, click Crosstab.
Select the Query tab to set query criteria:
Export query results
Click in the results in the Detail View, to give them the focus.
On the Share tab, in the Export menu, select Export Items.
Where available, select a format for the exported file.
For crosstab and matrix coding queries, you can also click the share icon at the top of the Detail View to export, print or share the results.
Keyboard Shortcut To export an item, press ⌘ + SHIFT + E.
In the List View, select the file or code you want to chart. For example, select an interview transcript to see the dominant themes, or select a code to see how coding is distributed across demographic groups.
On the Explore tab, click Chart.
The chart is generated and displayed in the Detail View.