provides the citizens of Prince George’s County with a simple web application that displays a wide range of digital maps that are linked to commonly requested data. It links to a data-repository of GIS information. is a web application that supports the goals of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission and Prince George’s County, Maryland by facilitating intergovernmental and citizen involvement through education and technical assistance in the planning process. The application was developed as a free public resource to provide citizens access to geographic map layers and aerial imagery of Prince George’s County. Users can navigate and print maps, measure distances, query the data, zoom to selected records, and print mailing labels. How to youtube.
Approved Green Infrastructure Master Plan (2005): This document contains text and maps of the Approved Countywide Green Infrastructure Plan for Prince George's County,Maryland. Green infrastructure is defined as an interconnected network of waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats, and other natural areas of countywide significance . The plan identifies a contiguous network of environmentally sensitive areas throughout the county and sets forth a goal, objectives, policies, and strategies to preserve, protect, and enhance these elements by the year 2025. The plan supports the desired development pattern in the General Plan. This is the first comprehensive functional master plan ever developed for environmental ecosystems in Prince George's County.
Prince George's County Landscape Manual (2010): The purpose of the Prince George's County Landscape Manual is to enhance the quality of life of county residents, the appearance of communities, and the overall environmental health of Prince George's County by improving the design, sustainability, and quality of landscaping. Toward that end, the Landscape Manual set forth in one publication all of the regulations for landscaping, buffering, and screening that apply to public and private development in Prince George's County. It established minimum mandatory standards, articulated design guidelines, provided options that allow greater creativity and flexibility in design, and established a procedure for approval of alternative methods of compliance with the standards.
Conserving Significant Cultural Landscapes: Protecting the Piscataway and Accokeek Historic Communities and the Mount Vernon Viewshed (2013): This study provides recommendations for conserving the cultural landscape of the rural communities of Piscataway and Accokeek, which are a portion of a significant viewshed across the Potomac River from the porch of Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon, located in Fairfax County, Virginia, is the historic home and Potomac riverfront plantation of George Washington, the nation's first president. It is one of the most important historic sites in the nation, receiving more than a million visitors each year, and the view across the Potomac River into southern Maryland is a key element of any visit to the site. The sweeping panorama or viewshed, also called the Mount Vernon Viewshed Area of Primary Concern, covers portions of Prince George's and Charles Counties, making them important components of the environmental setting of a national historic landmark and a candidate for World Heritage site designation. As seen from Mount Vernon, the Piscataway-Accokeek area has remained largely unchanged since the 18th century while locally under an extensive tree canopy. The area has moved into the 21st century as a rural enclave in Prince George's County, but development now threatens its cultural and historic integrity. The recommendations of this study focus on facilitating appropriate land development in two rural and historic communities in order to maintain and conserve the tree canopy coverage within the Mount Vernon Viewshed Area of Primary Concern, which would retain the local character and livability of these communities while preserving the historic, cultural landscape view.
Prince George's Climate Action Plan Commission (2021) The Climate Action Plan (CAP) aims to help the County reach its carbon emissions goal of 50% reduction by 2030 (compared with 2005 levels). The goal aligns with the State's projection for 50% emission reduction by 2030 through the implementation of the Maryland 2030 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government's goals for the region.
Prince George's County. Department of Environmental Resource. Low-Impact Development Design Strategies; An Integrated Design Approach (1999)
PERMACULTURE GARDEN The City has a permaculture garden along the Trolley Trail in the Berwyn neighborhood between Greenbelt Road and Tecumseh Street and plans to extend the garden south along the trail in the future. The City's Committee for a Better Environment maintains the garden. This edible garden is open to the residents to explore and and enjoy. Plants grown are native to the mid-Atlantic region and sustainable. To learn more about the garden, including the plants featured in the garden, please contact the City staff liaison.
WILDLIFE IN THE CITY. An abundance of wildlife can be found in the City of College Park.
GUIDE TO TREES AND PLANTINGS IN COLLEGE PARK. Why plant trees on your property? Trees provide many benefits for homeowners, including interception of rain water and reduction of storm water runoff, reducing residential cooling & heating costs, carbon sequestration, and increasing property values (just to name a few). The City’s Tree & Landscape Board has a brochure and flyer about Trees for City Residents: Trees for City Residents brochure; City Tree Programs; How to Prune Trees; How to Plant Trees. Includes coupons for discounts on trees and grant programs, e.g., CITY TREE CANOPY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (TCEP).
LANDSCAPE PLANTS...A SUGGESTED LIST. a guide to trees, shrubs and other plants appropriate for the College Park area, and has been prepared by the College Park Tree and Landscape Board.