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Online Library Instruction: Guide for Instructors


Please note that recordings of synchronous sessions require all participants' consent. If you wish to record a synchronous session, please discuss this with your library instructor ahead of time. In the interest of protecting user privacy, we will not agree to record sessions when recording has not been discussed in advance and/or when there is not a plan in place to secure participants' consent. 

Options for Synchronous Instruction

Google Hangouts Meet
Recommended use(s)

Online meetings with 1 or more participants

Virtual instruction sessions or reference consultations

Online meetings with 20 or more participants

Virtual instruction sessions

Online meetings or reference consultations with 1 to 10 participants
Requires downloading software Yes Yes Plugin required
Account required for host Yes (UMD ID and password) Yes (UMD ID and password) Yes (UMD ID and password)
Account required for viewer No Yes (UMD ID and password) Yes (UMD and password)
Number of participants < 100 20+ < 10
Ability to share screen Yes (for both host and participant) Yes (for host) Yes (for both host and participant)
Ability to record and share later Yes Yes No
Length of video Any Any Any
Integrated polling  Yes No No
Text chat  Yes Yes Yes
Captioning Integrated Yes (Manual) Yes (Manual) Yes
Mobile platform available Yes Yes Yes