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COMM 307: Quantitative Methods in Communication

Learn how to find research studies for your literature review.

How To Request Articles

If you can't access the full-text version of an article, it might mean that the UMD Library doesn't subscribe to that particular journal. However, the Libraries can get nearly any article, book, or book chapter for you for free, even if we don't own it! Libraries share resources with each other through the process of interlibrary loan (ILL). Here's how to use it for articles:

  1. Search for the article by title in Google Scholar. If there aren't any Find @ UMD access links on the right side of the page, the library probably doesn't subscribe to it, so you can request it.
  2. Click the icon of two arrows >> underneath the search result, and then click the Not available @ UMD link.
  3. This should open a UMD Discover results page for the article. Scroll down to Get It and click Request a Scan (or sometimes Request ILL).
    Screenshot from article result page in UMD Discover, with Request a Scan link highlighted
  4. Fill out and submit the request form.
    • Note: If you've never used ILL before, you'll need to set up your account (it's easy!). Click UMD Users Login on the ILL page
  5. Success! Your article will be emailed to you within 1-3 days.
  6. If any of these steps don't work for you, email Sarah or get help at McKeldin or via chat or phone.