Public research universities support America’s technological innovation, its democratic vitality, and the promise of opportunity for the next generation. Although they represent only 3 percent of the total number of institutions in the U.S. higher education system, their impact is profound. Public research universities transform the lives of the students and families they serve; and they improve the well-being of the entire nation—and much of the global community—through contributions to research, infrastructure, our knowledge base, and the economy.
--From The Lincoln Project: Excellence and Access in Public Higher Education. (2016) Public Research Universities: Serving the Public Good. American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Public research universities serve a distinct and indispensable role. In addition to producing research and scholarship, public research universities provide economic development and technical assistance to their communities, states, and nation, as well as opportunities for anchor-institution collaborations. While other institutions may address these needs individually, public research universities are charged with addressing them together as effectively, efficiently, and affordably as possible.
Public research universities initiate the fundamental research that drives scientific and technological discovery. They educate and train the skilled workforce of tomorrow. They prepare schoolteachers and faculty for the classroom. They equip the next generation of leaders with the knowledge, skills, and empathy to lead a twenty-first-century democracy. Most important, public research universities are stewards and repositories of human knowledge.
Public research universities play a significant role in regional and national economic development. With the demise of many private research laboratories, our nation’s universities have become the primary sources of U.S. research, discovery, and innovation. The biotech industry originated almost entirely from research universities. Countless start-ups and patent grants in a number of industries have sprung from the research clusters that have formed, in conjunction with private counterparts. Public research universities regularly engage with community and state governments, providing academic expertise, technical assistance, and critical education and workforce development.
Public research universities advance the cultural vitality of their states and regions. They serve as vibrant cultural centers, producing strong communities whose diverse interests and activities enrich their region.