Welcome! This guide is designed to give you a preview of some of the Queer* Literature we have available at the University of Maryland Libraries, and to explain why it is so important we fight for representation of all kinds in our literature and libraries.
According to the American Library Association's 2022 Banned Books report, a "record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship, a 38% increase from the 1,858 unique titles targeted for censorship in 2021. Of those titles, the vast majority were written by or about members of the LGBTQIA+ community and people of color" (2023).
Despite the increase in book bans, UMD Libraries are committed to protecting and increasing representation of Queer Literature in our collections -- in the 2022-2023 alone we spent $3,000+ to purchase over 170 Transgender and Bisexual Fiction and Poetry LAMBDA award winning books, and this category has been added to our automatic purchasing plan. The English Language and Literature Librarian, Emily Cranwell Deinert, is always working on expanding our collection and will be working on adding to our asexual/aromantic offerings this year.
Use the tabs on the left to see more of our Queer Lit offerings, and to learn more about how to fight book bans!
*"Queer" is used here as an affirming term with respect for all LGBTQ+ people