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Open and Affordable Educational Resources

This guide primarily supports UMD instructors with creating and using open educational resources (OER), affordable course materials, and open pedagogy.

Find Existing OER

Every year, more high-quality OERs are published in more subject areas. You can use these as-is, remix or customize them for your course, or simply browse them for inspiration.

The repositories below include a wide range of open textbooks and teaching materials. You can search most repositories by keyword or browse by subject. Many resources are listed across multiple sites, but others are harder to find. Search different keywords in multiple places, and make sure to double-check the terms before reusing anything!

It can be daunting to wade through OER repositories, and there are more than what's listed here. Please schedule a consultation with us if you'd like support finding relevant OER for your courses.

Start Your Search

Not sure where to begin? Search these three curated collections of open textbooks and course materials.

More Repositories

Deepen your search with other recommended collections. The sources here all focus on open content, but we advise you to double-check license terms before reusing any materials.